Brooke has spent her career working with colleagues, teams and organizations to positively affect organizational culture, equity and engagement.

As a co-facilitator with Juanita and CEO of Courageous Leadership, Brooke and her colleagues use evidence-based tools to help people develop the understanding and skills to act with ethical courage and ingenuity to overcome complex challenges together.

Influenced by her work with Phil Zimbardo, PhD, at Stanford, Brooke combines social and cognitive psychology and a strategic focus with a passion for equitable and inspiring relationships and systems and positive societal impact.

A former journalist and trained mediator, she focuses on building positive relationships, surfacing individual and systemic challenges that interfere with collaboration and powerful outcomes. Brooke has been published in SmartMoney, Huffington Post, and the Greater Good. Her work has been featured in places like the New York Times and Oprah magazine.

She helps teams achieve structural, team, and individual patterns that support long-term learning, connection and inspired action.(See: TEDxTalk: Bridging Divides.)

Brooke has also completed numerous courses in psychology and organizational effectiveness, psychological safety, compassion cultivation, systemic change, equitable relationship dynamics and systems, leadership, multi-cultural facilitation and social entrepreneurship. She has certifications in Social Fitness (TM) a cognitive behavioral protocol, corporate board training at Berkeley’s Haas School, mediation training at the Justice Center of Atlanta, Brooklyn Mediation Center and Community Boards. Brooke is blessed to have the work of her dreams and family, colleagues and beloved community that inspire learning, courage and joy.

Brooke Deterline
